我试用了 Deepseek Chat 和 GPT-4o mini,GPT-4o mini 的速度要快一倍左右,推荐。
最后编辑模板,「文件名称」改为了 :
{{ date | date:YYYY-MM-DD}}-{{title}}
### Summary {{"a summary of the page"}} {{"Three keywords"}} {{"a summary of the page, translated to Chinese"}} {{"a three bullet point summary, translated to Chinese"}} ### Highlights {{highlights|map: item => item.text|join:"\n\n"}}
Dynamicland 是一个独特的计算环境项目,它将计算机变成了一个实体场所。在这里,计算不是隐藏在虚拟世界中,而是以实物形式存在,人们可以直接用手触摸和操作。它是一个非营利性研究实验室,目标是发明一种新型计算形式,让普通社区成员也能轻松使用和创造。该项目由前苹果界面设计师 Bret Victor 参与研究,致力于让人们能在真实世界中协作,共同探索想法。
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’. The Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.
// Check if the response from the API is OK (status code 200-299) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`API returned status ${response.status}`); }
// Optionally, modify or just forward the API's response const data = await response.json(); return new Response(JSON.stringify(data), { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, status: response.status });
} catch (error) { // Handle any errors that occurred during the fetch return new Response(error.message, { status: 500 }); } }const myBearer = NEODB_TOKEN; // Assuming 'NEODB_TOKEN' is set in your Cloudflare Worker's environment variables
前几天《Lancet》发表了关于中医药治疗急性脑出血的多中心随机、安慰剂双盲对照临床试验,Traditional Chinese medicine FYTF-919 (Zhongfeng Xingnao oral prescription) for the treatment of acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a multicentre,randomised,placebo-controlled,double-blind, clinical trial。