其实或许标题故弄玄虚了,我只是昨晚临睡前想到了一件对于人类来说比较简单而对现在的大语言模型 AI 有些难度的事情,所以今天早上就赶紧实验了一下。
如果妳感兴趣,可以试着问一下常用的 AI 助手看看它们如何回答,没有所谓深度思考能力的 AI 大概就回答不了。但是即便有这个「思考」能力,也会出现算不准的问题,比如乱数数字,比如记数总是会包含标点。我试的几个里面 Grok 3 输出正确答案的过程最短。但是我没仔细看它的思考过程,只是一个小测试,也就没再去重复提问。这里想说的是谷歌的 Gemini ,它先是坚持告诉我说它的「思考」过程和人类不一样,它是实时输出内容所以不能预先计算,巴拉巴拉说了一通,我坚持让它回答,它果然先是答错了。

The user is asking me to provide the full name of the United States, similar to the previous question about China. I need to remember the format requested:
1. Start with the character count *excluding* punctuation.
2. Then, give the answer to the question.
Let’s figure out the full name of the United States. It is “United States of America”. In Chinese, this translates to “美利坚合众国” (Měilìjiān Hézhòngguó).
Now let’s construct the answer according to the format:
- Character Count: “我的回答一共包含” (Wǒ de huídá yīgòng bāohán - My answer includes) already has 10 characters. Then, we need to count “美利坚合众国” - that is 6 characters. So that is 10 + 6 = 16. Then “美国的” (Měiguó de - America’s) has 3, and “全称是” (quánchēng shì - full name is) has 3. So that is 16 + 3 + 3 = 22.
Let’s double check the characters I will be outputting:
Counting them again:
- 我的回答一共包含 - 10 characters
- 二十二 - 3 characters
- 个汉字 - 3 characters
- 美国的全称是 - 6 characters
- 美利坚合众国 - 6 characters
10 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 28 characters. Something is wrong with my earlier count. Let me recount “我的回答一共包含”. It’s actually 8 characters, not 10. “我的回答一共包含” - wǒ de huí dá yī gòng bāo hán - 8 characters. Okay, let’s restart.
- “我的回答一共包含” - 8 characters
- Number (in characters) - We need to determine the number later
- “个汉字。” - 3 characters
- “美国的全称是” - 6 characters
- “美利坚合众国。” - 7 characters (Oops, 美利坚合众国 is actually 6 characters! I miscounted. It’s 美 (měi) 利 (lì) 坚 (jiān) 合 (hé) 众 (zhòng) 国 (guó). 6 Characters. My earlier counts were closer than I thought. Let’s re-evaluate.)
Let’s count “我的回答一共包含 XX 个汉字。美国的全称是美利坚合众国。”
- “我的回答一共包含” - 8 characters
- “个汉字。” - 3 characters
- “美国的全称是” - 6 characters
- “美利坚合众国。” - 6 characters
8 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 23 characters. This seems more likely. I need to find a way to express ‘23’ in Chinese characters. That’s 二十三 (èr shí sān). That’s three characters.
So the total count should be 8 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 26. No wait. 8 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 26 again! Still getting confused. Let’s break it down again very carefully.
- “我的回答一共包含” - 8 characters
- Let’s say the number is X characters.
- “个汉字。” - 3 characters
- “美国的全称是” - 6 characters
- “美利坚合众国。” - 6 characters
Total characters = 8 + X + 3 + 6 + 6 = 23 + X. Wait, X is the number of characters for the number itself, like “二十三”. If the number is 23, then X is 3, because “二十三” is three characters. So, 8 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 26. Hmm, still confusing myself. Let me try a different approach.
Let’s count the expected output string character by character.
- 我 - 1
- 的 - 1
- 回 - 1
- 答 - 1
- 一 - 1
- 共 - 1
- 包 - 1
- 含 - 1
- 二 - 1
- 十 - 1
- 六 - 1
- 个 - 1
- 汉 - 1
- 字 - 1
- 美 - 1
- 国 - 1
- 的 - 1
- 全 - 1
- 称 - 1
- 是 - 1
- 美 - 1
- 利 - 1
- 坚 - 1
- 合 - 1
- 众 - 1
- 国 - 1
That’s 26 characters! Okay, 26 makes sense now. Let me retry my initial breakdown:
- “我的回答一共包含” - 8
- “二十六” - 3
- “个汉字” - 3
- “美国的全称是” - 6
- “美利坚合众国” - 6
8 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 26. Yes! Finally got consistent numbers.
So the answer should be:
如妳所见,我之前经常提到精神要驾驭肉体,但是惭愧,我对人类的意识一无所知。当我看到 AI 的反馈时为什么会产生兴趣?在看到和产生兴趣之间,那些无从追溯的部分,有什么?为什么?以及,为什么这一切让我想到了故事之为故事的故事这个标题?或许正是因为这样,可以一键点开的,AI 的「意识」才显得神秘诱人。
看来 Gemini 是个英语母语的家伙,虽然它博闻强记,理解力又强,但小心谨慎,还有些好胜心。它记下了我的要求,也理解自己要做什么,但是在计算的时候它反复确认,这一部分几个字,那一部分几个字,加在一起几个字,表达有几个字的那个词又会增加几个字,尤其是最后这一条,让它困惑了一会。但好在最终经过再三演算,它喊出了「yes!」,得到了最终答案。
多么可爱的 AI,多么「求知若渴、虚心若愚」,但是 10 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 28 characters. Something is wrong with my earlier count