10 macOS Folders You Should Know
If you're a former Windows user, or even a macOS user that's never really poked around your Mac's file system, it's a good idea to learn about the most important folders on your computer and what they're used for.
If you're a former Windows user, or even a macOS user that's never really poked around your Mac's file system, it's a good idea to learn about the most important folders on your computer and what they're used for.
More often than not, Mac applications come in a neat little package, instead of a mess of folders. If you want to uninstall an app, simply delete the package and most of the time it's all gone.
It's official. Apple has just announced the date for this year's WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference), kicking off the event with a big keynote on June 9th. The event will run through June 13th at Apple Park.
I was a happy Apple Arcade subscriber, but that was before I knew better. Then I tried Netflix Games. Since then, I've realized some things that will make this my last month of being an Apple Arcade subscriber.
eReaders revolutionized how we consume books, offering a lightweight, paper-like reading experience that once felt like the future of digital literature. For years, they were the preferred choice for book enthusiasts seeking convenience, portability, and reduced eye strain.
Believe it or not, some gamers prefer Macs to PCs for gaming. Thanks to Apple’s M-series chips and various software enhancements, macOS has significantly improved its gaming capabilities, making it an increasingly viable option.
The iMac has been around for more than a quarter of a century. The first iMac burst onto the scene in 1998, and was a huge success, saving Apple's bacon when things were looking bad. Like Dr. Who, the iMac has seen some significant changes over time, with each generation offering something different from the last.
The idea of using a MacBook as a desktop Mac sounds great, but there are some problems. Nobody wants to mess with a rat's nest of cables when changing scenery, and what about performance? Thankfully, with modern equipment, it’s not that difficult anymore.
The new M4 MacBook Air might be a great upgrade in performance and pricing, but unfortunately, it’s still far from easy to repair. iFixit has released its teardown results for the latest MacBook, calling it “a mix of good intentions and frustrating limitations that continues to fall short of what consumers deserve in a premium laptop.”
There's no shortage of third-party editing apps for editing photos on your Mac. However, the built-in Photos app on macOS is a capable photo editor that probably satisfies the needs of most people.
Apple reportedly held an all-hands meeting with its Siri team to discuss the "embarrassing" and "ugly" delay of AI-enhanced functionality. Details from the meeting show that this AI voice assistant functionality, which has been heavily advertised through the iPhone 16 marketing campaign, may arrive even later than expected.
Macs used to have no end of gaming options, until about the turn of the century. Since then, gaming on a Mac has been a bit of a joke at Apple's expense. However, in recent years, things have taken a turn for the better, with Apple making many moves that should result in more games coming to its platform,
If the PowerBeats name seems like an older one, it’s because the last release was six years ago. The new Beats PowerBeats Pro 2 fitness-focused earbuds are packed with new features like a heart rate monitor, but they promise more than they deliver.
The iPhone has a great camera with multiple modes for both photos and videos, but performing the same actions can become repetitive after a while.
New iPhones updates are automatically enabling AI-powered Apple Intelligence functionality, even for people who already switched it off. It’s not clear if this is a bug or intended behavior, but either way, it’s getting to be annoying.
Rumors suggest that Apple will announce a major iOS, iPadOS, and macOS software design overhaul at WWDC 2025. If true, this will be the biggest iOS UI revamp since 2013, and it will replace a lot of the iPhone-like design elements that invaded macOS in 2020.
Apple Arcade is a mobile gaming subscription that offers excellent quality games built on a simple foundation of zero adverts and in-app purchases, but it could always be better.
软件工程师都应该去面面顶级科技公司,不同公司的难度和录取率差异巨大。以下是对 Google、Microsoft、Meta、Amazon、Apple、TikTok(字节跳动)、Netflix 和 Jane Street 录取难度的分析,以及估算的 Offer 接受率。
大厂的福利较好,有份大厂的经历/经验在找下一份工作的时候会比较加分,毕竟大厂是Proven Record。
公司 | Offer 接受率 | 难度等级(1-10) | 关键因素 | 平均薪资(总包) |
~0.2% – 0.5%(1/200 – 1/500) | 9.5 | 算法、系统设计、高文化门槛 | $300K+(L4,美国) | |
Microsoft | ~1% – 2%(1/50 – 1/100) | 7 | 系统设计、实用编程、资深友好 | $200K – $250K(L60,美国) |
Meta | ~0.5% – 1%(1/100 – 1/200) | 9 | DSA 重度考察,节奏快 | $300K+(E4,美国) |
Amazon | ~2% – 5%(1/20 – 1/50) | 6.5 | 领导力准则、招聘量大 | $180K – $220K(L5,美国) |
Apple | ~0.5% – 1%(1/100 – 1/200) | 8.5 | 系统优化、底层开发 | $250K – $300K(ICT3,美国) |
TikTok(字节跳动) | ~0.3% – 0.8%(1/125 – 1/300) | 8.5 | 算法、分布式系统、推荐系统 | $250K – $350K(L4,美国) |
Netflix | ~0.3% – 0.7%(1/150 – 1/300) | 8.5 | 高代码质量要求,强调自驱力 | $400K+(Senior,美国) |
Jane Street | ~0.05% – 0.1%(1/1000 – 1/2000) | 10 | 量化交易,数学 & OCaml | $400K – $700K+(New Grad,美国) |
金融科技(FinTech)是金融(Finance)与科技(Technology)的融合,利用创新技术(如人工智能、大数据、区块链和云计算)来优化金融服务,提高效率并降低成本。FinTech 涉及支付、借贷、财富管理、保险、量化交易等多个领域,为个人和企业提供更便捷、安全的金融解决方案。从数字银行到加密货币,从智能投顾到去中心化金融(DeFi),FinTech 正在重塑全球金融体系,引领行业向更加智能化和个性化的方向发展。
FinTech 这个概念更广泛,不仅包括量化交易,还涉及 支付、数字银行、加密货币、去中心化金融(DeFi)、智能投顾(Robo-Advisors) 等多个领域。
JS/Jane Street是金融公司,听说给得钱超级多,刚毕业的就能在JS拿到200多K。JS是很有名的FinTech,可以说是FinTech里的Google。
Jane Street 可以算是 FinTech 领域的一部分,尤其是在 量化交易(Quantitative Trading) 和 高频交易(HFT, High-Frequency Trading) 方面。
Jane Street 主要是一家 量化交易公司和流动性提供商,他们利用复杂的数学模型、统计分析和高性能计算来进行自动化交易,属于 金融科技(FinTech) 的 量化金融(Quantitative Finance) 领域。
相比传统的 FinTech 初创公司(如 Stripe、Square、Revolut),Jane Street 更偏向 科技驱动的金融公司(Tech-driven Finance),但仍然属于 FinTech 生态的一部分。
Amazon 和 Microsoft 的 offer 接收率较高,分别在 2%-5% 和 1%-2%。相比之下,Google、Meta 和 Apple 的接收率较低,通常在 0.2%-1% 之间。而 TikTok、Netflix 介于二者之间,Jane Street 则最难进,接收率仅有 0.05%-0.1%。
Jane Street 以 10 分的难度位列榜首,考察数学、概率和 OCaml 编程。Google 和 Meta 也极具挑战,尤其是算法和系统设计。Amazon 和 Microsoft 相对友好,招聘规模较大,门槛相对较低。
各公司关注的重点不同:Google 和 Meta 主要考察数据结构与算法;Amazon 强调领导力准则;Apple 偏向底层开发;TikTok 重点关注推荐算法;Netflix 强调自驱力和代码质量;Jane Street 则高度依赖数学和函数式编程 Functional Programming (JS用的是OCAML语言)。
Jane Street 和 Netflix 薪资最高,新人起薪可达 $400K+。Google、Meta、TikTok 也非常可观,L4 级别的薪资可达 $300K+。Apple 和 Microsoft 稍低,而 Amazon 的薪资在入门级别(L5)相对较低,但晋升后可大幅增长。
如果目标是 高薪 + 难度适中,TikTok 和 Netflix 可能是不错的选择。如果你追求 顶级薪资 并愿意挑战数学与编程的极限,Jane Street 是最终目标。如果你想加入 FAANG,Google、Meta 仍然是最好的选择,但难度较高。
英文:Software Engineering Companies: Which Company Pays Most? and Which Company Is Hardest to Get In?
本文一共 1260 个汉字, 你数一下对不对.当你身边的数码产品越来越多,便能理解库克为什么从 iPhone 12 开始不再附赠“五福一安”充电器。
尽管充电线也更多,但本着能轻便则轻便的原理,希望能从充电器上进行精简,于是跟随中年人的脚步,开始选购支持多台设备同时充电、大功率、C口和A口兼备的充电器,我对这方面了解甚少,在 Twitter 上发个推求推荐,最后选择了酷态科 15 号充电器。
拿在手上挺有份量,净重约 328g,iPhone 15 Pro Max 是 221g,可以自行比较和估量,不算轻,但胜在只有一个插头,4个接口,不用在包里装4、5个不同功率的充电器。
至于功率,包装盒和官网上都写得比较清楚,举例说明更加直观。比如 iPhone 15 Pro Max 可以最高达到 27W 的功率,25分钟充电50%;小米 14 Pro 可以最高达到 120W 的功率,18分钟充电100%,由于是小米生态链产品,它支持小米全系手机、平板 120W 快充。
当晚体验了 iPhone 充电,相比之前用的绿联20W充电器,酷态科 15 号确实要更快,同时插上电脑、iPad,三个接口一起充电,充电器本身温度也不是很高,类似 iPhone 充电或视频通话时发热温度。
《从酷态科 15 号充电器开始说起》最先出现在印记。