

20 世纪 60 年代末,丹麦在其前殖民地格陵兰实施了残酷的避孕政策以限制生育,迫使数千名少女在未经本人同意的情况下植入宫内节育器。妇女们现在大声疾呼

In the late 1960s, Denmark implemented a brutal contraceptive policy to limit births in its former colony of Greenland, forcing thousands of teenage girls to have IUDs inserted without their consent. Women are now speaking out (www.france24.com)

西班牙;杀害阿图罗-鲁伊斯(Arturo Ruiz)的凶手坚称,他曾在针对埃塔的肮脏战争中为国民警卫队工作。警方数据库中没有何塞-伊格纳西奥-费尔南德斯-瓜扎(José Ignacio Fernández Guaza)的记录,他声称自己曾于 20 世纪 70 年代中期在法国南部处决过恐怖分子。

Spain; The murderer of Arturo Ruiz maintains that he worked for the Civil Guard in the dirty war against ETA. Police databases have no record of José Ignacio Fernández Guaza, who claims he executed terrorists in the south of France in the mid-1970s (english.elpais.com)