

一桩暴力谋杀案,一个被判死刑的孩子--宝拉-库珀(Paula Cooper)15 岁时在印第安纳州 77 岁的露丝-佩尔克(Ruth Pelke)家中杀害了她,并被判处死刑。但是,一场争取她生命的运动却来自一个意想不到的地方

A violent murder, a child on death row - Paula Cooper was 15 when she murdered 77-year-old Ruth Pelke in her Indiana home, and was sentenced to death. But a campaign for her life came from an unexpected quarter (www.theguardian.com)

校园枪手的妹妹会怎样?25 年前,克里斯汀-金克尔(Kristin Kinkel)的哥哥基普(Kip)杀害了他们的父母,并在他们的高中开枪。如今,她与基普关系密切,但仍在为他的罪行耿耿于怀。

What Happens to a School Shooter’s Sister? Twenty-five years ago, Kristin Kinkel’s brother, Kip, killed their parents and opened fire at their high school. Today, she is close with Kip—and still reckoning with his crimes. (www.newyorker.com)