





这奥迪A6已经17年老了,我在2015年的时候买的,当时花了大概是七八千英镑,在我手上开了9年,开了4万多英理,在We Buy Any Car网站上估价大概就是六七百英镑,也不值得折腾。并且这车是柴油车(每年路税Road Tax得200多英镑/每年DVLA上涨5英镑),进伦敦得交ULEZ费用(Ultra Low Emission Zone) 而且是手动档,高理程数(卖的时候是12万英理),所以价格只卖了300英镑。



The safety of our customers and the reliability and long-term service life of ourmodels are our top priorities, which is why we constantly monitor the quality of our products.Extensive analyses have found that the gas generator housing for your vehicle’s passenger airbag may, in extremely rare cases, be overloaded and even burst whenthe passenger airbag is triggered. lf this were to happen, small metal parts couldbecome dislodged from the housing and potentially cause life-threatening injury to a vehicle occupant. For safety reasons, it is necessary to check the passenger airbag and, if required, toreplace the airbag module, The work required will take approximately two hours andwill, of course, be performed free of charge. Please note for organisational reasons the Audi Centre may require your vehicle for longer, they will advise you of this at the point of booking.

audi-a6-airbag-recall-2024-06-18-11.51.25 奥迪A6因安全气囊被召回 安全 汽车

AUDI 招回A6 因为airbag有问题

根据制造商 Takata 提供的信息,受影响的 Takata 乘客安全气囊的气体发生器在事故中触发安全气囊时可能会爆裂。

Takata 认为原因是推进剂在湿度和温度的影响下老化,这会导致气体发生器中的推进剂燃烧加速。反过来,这会在发生器内部产生过大的压力,这可能导致外壳爆裂。推进剂的变化是由于长期受湿度和温度的影响而发生的,由于各种因素(例如发生器的具体几何形状和推进剂的成分)对老化现象有决定性的影响,因此正在对大众集团使用的安全气囊的安装位置和其他结构差异进行进一步分析。

故障有什么影响?/ 会发生什么?

2005 年至 2011 年生产的奥迪 A4、A4 Cabriolet 和 A6 车辆受到影响。


是的,在进行检查/维修之前,您可以照常驾驶汽车,例如,美国道路安全管理局 (NHTSA) 强烈建议不要停用安全气囊。








What is the issue on the affected vehicles?
According to information provided by the manufacturer Takata, the gas generator of the Takata passenger airbags affected may burst when the airbag is triggered during anaccident.

What is the cause of the fault?
Takata perceive the cause to be the ageing of the propellant under the influence ofmoisture and temperature, this can lead to accelerated propellant combustion in the gasgenerator. in turn, this generates excessive pressure inside the generator, which maycause the housing to burst.The change to the propellant occurs as a result of the effects of moisture and temperatureover a long period, Because various factors (such as the specific qeometry and shape ofthe generators and the composition of the propellant) have a decisive effect on ageingphenomena, further analyses are being performed regarding installation positions andadditional construction differences of the airbags used by the VW Group.

What effect does the fault have? / What can happen?
If the housing were to burst, metal pieces of the gas generator could shoot through thepassenger compartment and cause life-threatening injury to the occupants.

Which vehicles are affected by the issue?
Audi A4, A4 Cabriolet and A6 vehicles manufactured between 2005 and 2011 areaffected.

What exactly needs to be repaired on the car?
The complete passenger airbag module must be replaced on all vehicles affected

Can l continue using the car until it can be inspected/repaired?
Yes, you can drive the car as usual until the inspection/repair is performed, The Americarroad safety authority NHTSA, for example, strongly recommends that the airbag shouldnot be deactivated.

How did Audi discover the fault?
We were informed of the process discrepancy and this potential problem by our supplier

Have there been cases reported by customers?
No; we are not aware of a single instance in which the gas generator for the passengerairbag in an Audi vehicle has burst.

Have there been any cases of personal injury?
No; we are not aware of a single instance in which the gas generator for the passengerairbag in an Audi vehicle has burst.

Is there any risk for the car occupants?
We do not see any acute risk for consumers based on our current knowledge.

Will the driver be aware of the issue?

Can I have the repair carried out by an Audi Centre anywhere in the world?

Is it necessary to make an appointment?
Yes, an appointment should be made without delay so that the situation can be dealt withpromptly.

audi-a6-airbag-recall-2024-06-18-11.51.29 奥迪A6因安全气囊被召回 安全 汽车

AUDI 招回A6 因为airbag有问题


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