

研究人员利用古老的亚马逊技术将废物变成电池 "黄金" | 这项技术现已经过多次试验,离商业化越来越近,它将帮助澳大利亚减少排放。

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Researchers use ancient Amazonian tech to turn waste into battery 'gold' | The Technology has now undergone numerous trials and is getting closer to commercialization, which will help Australia reduce its emissions. (interestingengineering.com)

5G 竞赛已经结束--现在是时候买单了 | Networks 花了数年时间告诉我们,5G 将改变一切。但是,最华丽的应用案例却无处可寻--部署该技术的竞赛在很多方面都代价高昂。

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The race to 5G is over — now it’s time to pay the bill | Networks spent years telling us that 5G would change everything. But the flashiest use cases are nowhere to be found — and the race to deploy the tech was costly in more ways than one. (www.theverge.com)