

Remote Book Scanning with 1DollarScan and Optimizing Scanned PDFs

Last month, I got interested in a textbook recommended by an online open course I happened to find. However, it’s quite old and not easily available for international shipping. Plus, since it’s a reader meant to be read non-sequentially and piecemeal, carrying it in its 600-page physical form seems to defeat the purpose. That was when I thought of the book scanning services I had heard about in the past and decided to try 1DollarScan.com, a service mentioned in multiple Hacker News threads.

On The Chinese Translations of Copywriting for Releases at Apple Sep. ’24 Special Event


On The Dinesenian Tales of Self-Reinvention

What’s fascinating about Dinesen’s storytelling is the labyrinthine structure and fractal logic. Typically, you start with a narrator who encounters others telling stories-within-stories; the narration keeps branching out until, just as the mass is about to become a mess, a ray of revelation cuts through, shockingly and cruelly exposing the underlying interconnections. Concurrently, through the constant creation and piercing of personae, and the alternating misreading and projection by others, issues of identity and subjectivity surface.

Galaxy Z Flip6

我祝贺 Flip 作为一个品类站稳了脚跟,也遗憾于这份新奇能带来的惊喜毕竟有限。折叠屏就像从智能机波澜不惊的剧情中翻开的副本,经过短暂几轮迭代,终于还是要从分叉合并回主线。它的屏幕上现在说:感谢你的陪伴;it’s been a fun ride.

The New Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen

The New Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen is a short guide designed for foreign electronic shoppers to navigate Shenzhen’s mesmerizing Huaqiangbei district, and an update to Andrew “bunnie” Huang’s original edition. It turns out the book, full of humorous yet insightful tips, is also an interesting read for Chinese readers.

Notes on the Neapolitan Novels

I was recently introduced to Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels and spent about three weeks to read through the quartet. These notes are an unorganized collection of what I have learned or thought of during and after reading the series.

Morning Swims

As I navigate the terrains of reality where doubts inundate, and chart the boundaries of relations that warrant no reciprocity, the pool remains a steadfast, empathetic bulwark, always acknowledging my individuality and responding to my presence.


This page is inspired by Derek Sivers’ “/now page movement.” It serves as a personal reminder to stay focused and a public declaration of my priorities by logging current interests and ideas that haven’t yet materialized into full posts. Current as of the date herein. Writings An article on how to understand and make use of Hacker News. Books & Media Tits Up (Reviews: NYT, New Yorker) Isak Dinesen’s Seven Gothic Tales Done; see review Platonic trinity of Symposium, Lysis, and Phaedrus Elena Ferrante’s works Done; see review Learning The Latin language Half-heartedly following Lingua Latina per se illustrata, a “natural method” text book written in Latin (via a comment on HN). Dataviz Fiddling Fix broken images on this blog.


This page contains links to online locations I frequent and tools I find handy. Think of a curated and annotated copy of the bookmark menu of my browser. I created it primarily for my own convenience, allowing me to access these links on shared and new devices without needing to set up syncs. Hopefully some of the links would also be helpful to visitors. The currentness is checked as of the date herein and may change over time. News The Wall Street Journal Print Edition I find The Wall Street Journal's reporting generally more balanced (excluding the opinion section, of course) and succinct than that of The New York Times and The Washington Post. I prefer the print edition because it is more organized than the front page of the digital edition. The Paper (RSS) | Sixth Tone (RSS) The Paper is the only Chinese domestic news site I find tolerable.

Kimi 长上下文试用

Kimi 长上下文目前版本的优点在于,能够有效读取复杂文档,准确完成事实查询和要点提炼,可以满足从长篇幅或大批量文本中提取信息的需求。但不足在于,对于文档的深度理解和逻辑推理能力、以及在多轮对话中遵守用户指令的能力,还有较大提高空间。因此,对于需要深入理解特定领域知识的任务,Kimi 还无法完全满足需求,或至少需要一定程度的人工校验和调整。

Revising the About Page

I decided to rewrite the page as part of the annual housekeeping of the site. In past years, I’ve done enough fiddling by migrating between site generators and experimenting with stylesheets. But this year, I feel perfectly content with my current setup, making the about page an obvious target for improvement with the spared efforts.


About Me The person behind this site is Chenyang “Platy” Hsu, who — happens to be a staff editor and membership coordinator at SSPAI, a Chinese-language community focused on digital life, products, and cultures; used to be a transactional lawyer (until July 2021); and is born to be a nerd. Mini Bio I grew up in Hefei, Anhui, a city in central China that was long overshadowed by neighboring coastal areas but has gained momentum in recent years by attracting LCD and EV ventures. I also spent significant time living in Beijing (which I mostly dislike) and Philadelphia (which I mostly cherish). Today I’m based in Shenzhen. While I don’t enjoy every aspect of it, I generally resonate with its utilitarian and apolitical characteristics. I also appreciate the abundance of green spaces and hiking trails. I earned an


尽管面临一些合理质疑,1Password 对于大多数用户仍然是最省心的选择,定价相对于提供的服务水平也是合理的。如果你纯粹因为价格因素而想逃离 1Password,那么你最好的选择可能是继续使用 1Password。对于有一定动手能力的用户,用 Bitwarden 或 KeePass 等开源方案替代 1Password 是可行的,并且使用体验相比前几年已经有所改善。相对而言,KeePass 的初始配置门槛更低,Bitwarden 则在功能上更为完善。