

8 Mac Settings to Change to Improve Performance

For most users, the default macOS settings are just fine. But over time, you might find that your Mac starts to feel slow and show its age. While much of this comes down to the natural aging process of any piece of tech, it doesn’t hurt to give yourself the best chances.

10 macOS Folders You Should Know

If you're a former Windows user, or even a macOS user that's never really poked around your Mac's file system, it's a good idea to learn about the most important folders on your computer and what they're used for.

In-Car Wi-Fi Sounds Cool, but I Will Never Actually Use It

There's no shortage of tech features carmakers love to hype up—fancy touchscreens, voice assistants, and even self-parking. However, one feature that I have a gripe with is built-in Wi-Fi. The thought of a seamless internet on the road, streaming movies in the backseat, or getting work done while someone else drives feels like a tech lover's dream. But as cool as it sounds, I have to admit, every time I see it offered, I can't help but wonder—would I actually use it?

Elevate Your iPad Experience With ESR’s Latest Cases, Keyboards and Accessories

Your iPad goes everywhere with you, so why not make the most of it? ESR’s latest lineup of cases, screen protectors, and accessories is designed to keep your iPad protected while making it easier to work, create, and unwind. From the Flip Magnetic Case with a built-in Pencil Holder to the Rebound Magnetic Keyboard Case 360 for a laptop-like experience, these accessories add convenience without bulk.
