Three.js Journey Notes 5 - Advanced Techniques Part3
课程链接:three.js journey
- Notes 1 - Basics
- Notes 2 - Classic Techniques
- Notes 3 - Advanced Techniques Part1
- Notes 4 - Advanced Techniques Part2
Realistic Render
Tone Mapping
intends to convert High Dynamic Range (HDR) values to Low Dynamic Range (LDR) values. Tone mapping in Three.js will actually fake the process of converting LDR to HDR even if the colors aren’t HDR resulting in a very realistic render.
// Tone mapping
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping
// adjust exposure, influencing the amount of light allowed into the scene
// higher make the scene more bright
renderer.toneMappingExposure = 2
There are multiple possible values: