
昨天 — 2024年5月5日首页


🌠1月 《当我们重返世界》 当我们重返世界 0 三年之后,重返世界。本辑《单读》试图复建肉身和心智与世界的联系,收录的作品足迹遍布叙利亚、西班牙、巴西、埃及、古巴等地,涉猎英语、德语、俄语、葡萄牙语、法语、日语等不同语种。这些走向陌生的创作,呈现出微小个体与大时代之间的张力,映照出此时此地生活的困境,同时也带来了源于文艺创作、智识操练的快乐——重返世界,在今天,首先是找回快乐的能力。 book .db-card{margin:2.5rem 3rem;background:var(--card-background);border-radius: 7px;box-shadow: 0 6px 10px 0 #00000053;} .db-card-subject{display: flex;align-items:flex-start;line-height:1.6;padding:12px;position:relative;} .dark .db-card{background:var(--card-background);} .db-card-content {flex:1 1 auto;} .db-card-post {width: 100px;margin-right: 15px;display: flex;flex: 0 0 auto;} .db-card-title {margin-bottom: 3px;font-size: 14px;color: var(--card-text-color-main);;} .db-card-title a{text-decoration: none!important} .db-card-abstract,.db-card-comment{font-size:13px;overflow: auto;max-height:10rem;color: var(--card-text-color-main);;} .db-card-cate{position: absolute;top:0;right:0;background:#f99b01;padding:1px 8px;font-size:small;font-style:italic;border-radius:0 8px 0 8px;text-transform:capitalize;} .db-card-post img{width: 100px!important;height: 150px!important;border-radius: 4px;-o-object-fit: cover;object-fit: cover;} .rating{margin: 0 0 5px;font-size:13px;line-height: 1;display: flex;align-items: center;} .rating .allstardark{position:relative;color: #f99b01;height: 16px;width: 80px;background-size: auto 100%;margin-right: 8px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: url(); } .

Helldivers 2 removed from Steam across much of the world, refunds given

作者 Rob Beschizza
2024年5月5日 19:26

The Starship Troopers-inspired game Helldivers 2 has been a big hit for Sony, but earlier this week it forced players to log in through the PlayStation network—even if they're playing on computer and don't have a game console. This requirement was a PR distaster from the outset, but has now gotten worse: the requirement make it impossible for players to play the game in countries that the PlayStation network excludes, and now top PC game platform Steam is shutting down sales of the game to the territories affected. — Read the rest

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Echidnas blow snot bubbles to stay cool in summer

作者 Popkin
2024年5月5日 18:56

Echidnas are bizarre little critters that blow snot bubbles from their nose to stay cool in the summer. In this short Echidna film, we learn how these snot bubbles keep Echidnas safe from the elements.

I love how perfect looking each bubble is, like it was blown from a wand. — Read the rest

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Photo booth pictures from the Edwardian Era

作者 Popkin
2024年5月5日 18:48

These rare photo booth images of people from the Edwardian era show that selfies aren't just a modern phenomenon. 

From Vintage News Daily: "The first-ever working photo booth was made by French inventor T.E. Enjalbert in March 1889 and was presented later that same year at the World's Fair in Paris.Read the rest

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Funny world record: Most BBQ skewers stuck into gentleman's beard

作者 Popkin
2024年5月5日 18:39
world record beard skewers

Joel Strasser made a World Record when he stuck 600 BBQ skewers into his beard. I must say I'm amazed by the amount of skewers this gentleman's beard is able to carry. 

The mass of skewers is even bigger than his head. — Read the rest

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"Stain stonewashed" jeans look like you peed yourself

2024年5月5日 18:15

Accident prone? Gentlemen, don't pull out the Depends just yet. Designer brand Jordanluca has made jeans to make pissing your pants fashionable. Their Stain Stonewash Jeans have a big ol' wet-looking stain right at the crotch that makes it look like you didn't bother to unzip to relieve yourself. — Read the rest

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Watch a baby flying squirrel take its first leap

作者 Popkin
2024年5月5日 18:00
Flying squirrel

Watching this baby squirrel take its first flying lesson has greatly improved my morning. This adorable Siberian squirrel glides around the forest by jumping from tree to tree and spreading the furry membrane that stretches from its wrists to ankles to keep afloat.  — Read the rest

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A quick tour of Earth's many gates to Hell

作者 Popkin
2024年5月5日 17:44
Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave

Throughout history, various groups of people and religions have believed different places around the globe to be gateways to the underworld. A fascinating video by Atlas Obscura takes a look at some of these alleged gateways to Hell. 

While some of these places look quite beautiful from photos, I understand why others are thought to be Hell's gates. — Read the rest

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Oscar Mayer offers a gummy bologna that looks a bit too real 

作者 Popkin
2024年5月5日 17:30
gummy bologna

If you're out of the Oscar Mayer loop these days, you may want to know that the meat company now has a line of realistic-looking gummy versions of its various meats. There are gummy hotdogs, gummy bacon, and, strangest of all, gummy bologna. — Read the rest

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Braille Hot Wheels cars

作者 Bob Knetzger
2024年5月5日 16:16
braille Hot Wheels

I've heard of selling toys in a "blind assortment" (individual toys packed in "surprise" closed boxes—you don't know which one you'll get!), but this recent Mattel Hot Wheels car is an interesting "blind" offering.

In partnership with the National Federation of the Blind, Mattel took their iconic "Twin Mill" concept car and added actual raised Braille bumps to the castings. — Read the rest

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what i've been reading

2024年5月5日 05:08

hey! i haven't posted for a while now. i wanted to talk about more manga but couldn't justify making a whole post dedicated to one series. so here is a post where i talk about a couple of them briefly. this one will be less edited and more chaotic than usual so enjoy!

cigarette and cherry

cigarette and cherry

i know i know, the last manga i reviewed also had a smoking theme and was a romance manga. the similarities were actually how i found this one.

it has a simple plot of a student enrolling to a university and trying to find a girlfriend but you slowly get invested in the characters and enjoy their banter. most of the story is centered around a cafe and gives me a sort of friends vibe. i enjoyed my time with it, i think it's worth checking out.

the fable

the fable

the deadliest assassin of japan gets an order from his boss forbidding him from killing anyone for a year. that's the premise.

the humour makes this manga. you see our main guy, satou, trying to blend into society and failing spectacularly. he has a childlike demeanour, one you wouldn't expect from an assassin. don't be fooled though he still kicks ass. for example there is one scene where he calculates and takes punches in just the right way to break the agressors fingers and pretends that it hurt by screaming. it's great.

satou fake screams

i highly recommend this series. beware though, despite the comedy it can get pretty dark.

call of the night

call of the night

this manga is about a student named kou yamori trying to become a vampire. in order to do that he needs to fall in love with the vampire who sucked his blood, nazuna. along the journey he questions things like what is love?, how does one fall in love?, the nature of relationships etc.

i have to say i read this while it was airing and i did not like it's finale. it left a lot to be desired and did not tie any of the loose ends i hoped it would. there is also a an issue with age gaps, kou is 14 years old while nazuna is an adult. honestly i don't get why they did this considering the school could very well be a university and it wouldn't really effect the story.

despite all these i read it solely because of it's vibe. i think it can still be an enjoyable read if you can get past the things i've talked about.

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Writing when nothing to write

2024年5月5日 02:26

Every once in a while I write even though I have nothing to write. This is one of those times.

Sometimes something comes out of it, sometimes it doesn't. But I keep doing it in one form or another. Because...

It's easier to keep going than to get started.

I find it more motivating to do it publicly - even if no one reads it. It adds a bit of healthy "pressure". And it's more fun, especially with nice tools like Bear blog.

But it doesn't matter how you do it.

Write on a piece of paper, your phone, a computer, or whatever. Write spontaneously or thoughtfully, in depth or effective, personal or general. Write a sentence, 500 characters, or three pages.

It doesn't matter. It's all up to you. There's no contest, and there's no right or wrong.

Just keep writing...

我的 ADHD 没有确诊之路

作者 雪糕
2024年5月5日 09:18

时间过得真快,还记得我上次想去做 ADHD Evaluation,仿佛还在两年前。

时隔两年,我终于下定决心寻求答案:我到底有没有ADHD?两年前我第一次开始寻找周边的诊所,但当时没怎么放在心上(主要是觉得自己症状好像不太严重),所以随便找了找就放弃了。这个学期有些课我上着上着实在上不下去了,最终 drop,这件事严重打击了我的自信心,所以我想着有机会的话测一测,我真的想知道自己有没有 ADHD, 如果有 ADHD 的话就可以全赖在 ADHD 上了。

ADHD Evaluation 还挺麻烦的,有些诊所不在保险的范围内,有些诊所会把测试算作 testing,我最终付的钱会是 deductible + 30% coinsurance. 我这个保险年度(每年七月始)没有花过一分的 deductible, 所以我决定找一找那些把 testing 当作 office visits 的诊所——然后我就找到了一家。$10 的 copay, 轻轻松松做测试。

当天是个雨天,我怀着沉重的心情,拖着疲惫的身躯,开车去诊所。当天上午我有两个 presentation,我不理解为什么我当时约了这一天,难道是我想要增加当天的人生密度吗?不仅如此,我晚上还只睡了大概两个半小时,连我一场 presentation 时间的长度都不到。我提前十分多钟到达,在门口我犹豫了:红砖绿瓦,平平无奇,如果不是地图上有显示,如果不是旁边有个小小的牌子,我甚至都不觉得在我面前的这栋老房子是诊所,反倒像个老奶奶的家。

到了诊所之后,一张张座椅,一排排灯,我敲了敲窗口,开始寒暄,check-in, 和前台工作人员确认我要付多少钱:没错,是 $10. 我给了钱,给了保险卡和 ID,坐在最能听见雨声的椅子上慢慢等——好像我是这里唯一一个患者。大概等了十几二十分钟,一个我不好意思仔细看但我眼神又会狂瞟的 nurse 带我量血压,然后让我开始做 testing.

值得一提的是,我做的是 clinical interview/reduced testing, 是用电脑做测试,一般要 3 – 4 小时。这种测试的准确性有些地方不认可,但如果诊所里有 medication provider 的话,一般来说也会给你开药。另外一种测试是 full scale, gold standard testing, 一般要 8 – 10小时,会有 interviews 和 questionnaires,也会测试你的 IQ, working memory 和 processing speed, 一般来说比较贵,但是广受认可。

我还随身带了吃的。我早上的 presentation 从八点开始,12 点多结束,而这个 appointment 是在 1 点。一口饭都没来得及吃,但我已经要开始做我期待已久的测试了。测试比较 boring,就是让你找规律,记数字和图形,还有看表情认单词。我做得很快,一个小时左右就做出来了。本来以为会很难,但做起来没什么感觉,有些人脸我的确是没看出来是想表达什么表情,有些图案我是真的记不得有没有出现过,但 9 以内的乘法我几乎是秒选,幸好我读了个研究生,如果没读,估计做不了这么快。做完测试之后就和 nurse 说做完了,然后会有医生来先让你说说你的 history,为什么今天要来这儿。我侃侃而谈一大堆我的症状,但她给我看结果说,你看你的测试结果挺不错的,有些还远超 average. 但是她话锋一转又说,这个测试也不一定准,毕竟你是自己一个人在安静的房间里做的测试,平时也不一定能有这种环境。我一想,这正话反话都说了一遍呀。

说完之后就问我有什么想法。她说可以帮我在学校搞 disability 让我有更多的考试时间,I was like, 我好像也不太需要翻倍的考试时间。然后我就问她说,我觉得我注意力有时候不太集中,除了喝咖啡有别的方法吗?她说:(我忘了。)

她带来了另一个开药的医生和我聊,和我说,基于我的病史,我如果打算使用药物的话,需要先给我开情绪稳定剂。我一想,怎么还要再吃药,我可不想再吃药了。我最不喜欢的事情就是每天定时定点吃药。我的底线就是不要每天都吃药,我甚至维生素 D 都是医生给我开的一周吃一次的。于是我就说,算了,我不想用药了,但我还是很好奇,为什么我很多时候注意力无法集中,而且还感觉有 brain fog 呢?

医生娓娓道来:注意力不集中有可能是没有睡够。没睡够同时也会让情绪低落,诱发其他的精神疾病。他一说到这,我就愧疚了。我曾经还为我每天睡五六个小时就能 fully functional 而沾沾自喜,毕竟连今天我来做测试,我都只睡了两个半小时。他这么一说,我一下子觉得我之后得多睡觉了,而且我好像也没有很年轻了。


我于是又问他,为什么我会有 brain fog 呢?他说,有可能是因为你激素水平不够稳定,而不够稳定可能是你三天打鱼两天晒网地调节激素导致的。我一下子又觉得他说得很有道理,因为很多有 PMS 的人会有 brain fog, 而我最近四个月 technically speaking 正在经历 PMS, 因为我在换药的同时,经常不按时吃药。经常出现 overdue 超过一周的情况(而我每周只需要用药一次)。他云淡风轻地说了这么些,联想起这间诊所的装修和灯光,立刻给我一种他大隐隐于市的感觉。

在我得知我没有 ADHD 之后,我的情绪非常复杂。我一方面希望我有 ADHD, 这样我就可以做事情更专心了;另一方面我不希望我有 ADHD,这样我就少得一种病。很多人都会写自己的确诊经历,但由于我没有确诊,只能写没有确诊的经历了。

The post 我的 ADHD 没有确诊之路 first appeared on 雪糕.


作者 xrspook
2024年5月5日 09:52






